Dead Yet Living was a blog back in the early 2000’s.
Blogging was fun. Before social media came along and complicated everything.
Eventually, DYL died, the domain expired and was no more. Until now.
I hope you read. I hope you enjoy. Maybe you’ll start a blog and we can start a revolution.
Here is the original DYL ‘about us’ page resurrected as it says what this website should be better than anything else.
“Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him,” – Romans 6:8
The Christian life is a life of struggles, triumphs, and mundanity. At first glance, it’s not entirely unlike any other life. When watched more closely, however, the Christian life begins to become a story of unmatched brokenness, grace, despair, joy, pain, and healing. These things are not new to humanity, but the depth in which they are experienced for the Christian is unmatched.
Especially the grace part.
Dead Yet Living exists to demonstrate that. It’s story demonstrated by fact. It’s a place to observe our lives changing, and to look back on how our lives have already changed. It’s a place where we can make mistakes and learn from them.
Dead Yet Living is a reminder to ourselves and to others that we must fail in order to succeed. We must be humbled in order to be exalted. We must die in order to live.